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Welcome to my Gaming page

Under graphical re-construction

This site focusses on my hobby board game mechanics and board game development (check the concept link). My inventory of games is also included to give you a brief impression of the games I enjoy (Aquire, Magic the Gathering, Settlers, Mordheim, Roborally, Bloodbowl, Elfenland, Set!, Warhammer, the older games workshop games, etc.). Also I'm busy writing up a number of dutch translations for US games (spelregels) such as Aquire, Bloodbowl & Mordheim (Warhammer) (check the game rulings link). I dedicated a few special pages to Games Workshop board games (especially Bloodbowl (Note, these pages have long loading time due the amount of pictures). In addition I added my top 5 board game lists and some information about my self (including my wishlist, just in case...). The board games FAQ contains some general information (including a list of the most lousiest games). In case you want to give me a present, check my wishlist.

If you came in via a search engine, looking for a specific game the search key words usually refers to my inventory pages.

If you came in via, frames work lousy....

If you look for my reviews and/or comments on games, check the inventory pages. In general, if you are looking for information / reviews on specific games, check the linksIf you are just looking for (dutch) game rulings: Vlaams spellen archief (or any other link, provided by my game links). I'm currently working on the a translation of Bloodbowl / Mordheim rulings (check the game rulings). If you are specificly looking for kid's games check here. For good portals regarding games click on, or bordspel.  If you are looking for Business News on games check Gamereport.

Please feel encouraged to mail me and give me some feedback.


As always, all pages are under construction. The pages are heavily 'personalized' and use the word 'I' a lot. This is done intentionaly, because all the information provided is based on my personal experience and is my personal opionion solely. I do not pretend to have an unbiased and complete opinion, that's something I want to stress. In addition, I kindly invite you to discuss my opionions.

Guus Schijns

These pages will give you information about the following keywords: game, games, games workshop, gw, board game, board, boardgame, development, card, cardgame, cardgames, collectable, trading, cards concept, tile laying, tilelaying, ccg, tcg, 2 player, abalone, backgammon, bloodbowl, blood bowl, bomberz over da red sulpha river, diskwars, go, gobang, havanna, mastermind, othello, reversi, stratego, krijgsspel, magic4, mastermind, ze smelten de kazen, multi player, multi-player, 1845, 221-b baker street, sherlock holmes, all star baseball, all-star baseball, amazeing labyrinth, betoverde doolhof, aquire, battletech, blik op de eeuw, blockmania, megamania, bowling, business, cartino, chess, nightmare chess, civilization, cluedo, clue, colditz, conquistador, dammen, dames,  chinese checkers, dragon quest, dungeon quest, elfenland, elfengold, euphrat & tigris, ganzebord, grenzeloos, halma, james bond, krash, mad, mah jong , mechwarrior, memory, mens erger je niet, monopoly, mordheim, oog des meesters, reals of arkania, olie, oil, pictionary, poker, risk, roborally, armed and dangerous, scrabble, boardscript, settlers, die siedler, kolonisten, shogun, talisman, targui, tikal, trivial pursuit, victory, warhammer fantasy, warhammer, warhammer 40K, warhammer quest, werelddelen, yahtzee, yali, bohnanza, ceasar & cleopatra, combat cards, die siedler, das kartenspiel, ritter & handler, stap op, pipedreams, rummy, set!, magic the gathering, mtg, dragon dice, portal, pokemon, the last crusade, starwars, star wars, young jedi, yedi, deep space 9, star trek, the next generation, x-files, middle earth, guardians, mlb showdown, jyhad, vampire, doomtrooper, shadowfist, simcity, redemption, c23, hercules, lara croft, dune, shadowrun,  xmen, nitro, digimon, elchfest, euro disney, kriskras, c1000, grote smurfenspel, verkeersspel, clickets, Hasbro, 999games, wotc, richard garfield, parker brothers, kosmos

You will find information on these games either via my inventory list or via the games workshop pages