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About Jel

These pages contain information and request regarding our individual interest and our interests as a family. On the left side you will find the individual hobbies of Guus & Marielle. In general however we prefer to share our hobbies with activities within the family. This, however, is not always possible (luckely enough...). 


Jel spends most of her time on family business. She likes to read books (literature) and the common magazines. For the furture, when she has more time, she plans to do more creative things (painting, photography, etc.) as well joining clubs related to the former mentioned thing. She also enjoys walking (the dog). 


Major hobbies (next to family stuff) of Guus are Gaming, playing around with computer applications (video, graphics, audio, home finance, games, etc.) and reading. 

In general most hobbies are related in one way or another to the working environment (reading visionary books on telecommunication, IT, etc., playing around with stuff like Powerpoint (Frontpage!!), PS5, excell programming, etc.). I concluded that Gaming is propably the only useless hobby I have (I can argue that gaming is contributing to my skills as a interim manager though...

Also I like to set up things, like small business, (large) parties,  projects, bettings (grin!), etc.